Phia has been modulating her receptive language to expressive speech! She is adding more words and making sentences. Her latest and longest sentence..."You give me that face!" (We were teasing each other and I gave her a look as she was being feisty.) Out came that sentence...the one she was thinking and without hesitation, she could express her very thought. We were shocked and thrilled as we quickly started counting the words...5! Smile.
She is also singing more words to the songs she knows. She loves music and keeps the beat, a future drummer.
She is watching Sesame Street and interacting with the characters and trying to do what the characters are doing and she wants to know their names! Names have been a big concept that she is learning. When she meets people or pets, she asks, "name" as she points to them. After she learns their name she asks them, "why?" Love it!
She is also very helpful in her chores. She reminds me of what needs to be done. She really thrives on routine and order.
She learned to scooter this summer. That brought some hardship as she broke her first bone in her arm. The flip side of that... she caught her herself by extending her arms which is something we have been working on in therapy... for months! Yay!
She also is loving to jump rope. She picked it out of some toys at a store and asked to have it! She can do many things with her rope than just jump. Smile. She can tie knots with it, twirl it around her head like a lasso, wiggle it on the ground and pretend it's a snake, with hissing sounds and all.

Tattling! We all have to watch ourselves now...HA!
Just a few unexpected joys with Phia, purely, unabashedly herself!