Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Holding Life In

Looking back to my last post, (YIKES, May?) I realize how I hold life in and tend to express more inside myself and less outside myself. I thought I had written so much more about our life, here, in these daily moments. Sorry...... I will work harder at encouraging my thoughts to the page and I will celebrate the pondering and waiting that I do, with thanksgiving.... to the page! I will write about the simplicity even just to get it out and see that I had simplicity. Each day try to write a moment of time, here, at Eyes4C-ing. So much has happened that I won't go back for retracing but I will trace my thoughts to the page, today...... in this moment.

Today's journal entry, after encouraging a grief stricken friend........God cares and shows up in those who care.......take care.......receive healing.

God shows up in those who care, a great miracle indeed, offering hope, the hope that only Jesus has given them and the hope that Jesus is giving, through them, to me and others. I see them and I see Him and am grateful. My opportunity is to take care, and receive relationship and heal and I grab hold with determination and faith. Holding life in because He is holding on............HE is holding on to me. In all the phone calls, daily cares and processing of life, I want to remember..... His holding.

Now, back to football practices, phone calls, dinner, family and healing in the midst. His blessings to your moments........and holding LIFE in.

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