I'm ready to post and have it serve as a reminder for me to remain teachable.
Sophia's nicknames: Phia, Phia doll, Eyeballs, Lovey B., Sweet Pea, Sugar Plum
10. Hardships happen. Life often brings surprises ~ unexpected and planned.
9. Life is precious, sweet and good, always.
8. Everyone needs to be seen and recognized. Phia's way, in doing so, is with a persistent smile and simple greeting, to everyone who crosses her path.
7. Let someone else help ~ we need each other.
6. Persevere, it is the way, you gotta go through it. (You can't go over it, and you can't go under it.)
5. Overflow with joy and give generously.
4. Be empathetic, see pain and people and offer encouragement.
3. Be thankful ~ it's the road to God.
2. My abilities are my disabilities.
And the number 1. thing she has taught me... Simply be who you are ~ it's valuable and true!
Gabriel's nicknames: Gabe, Gabers, The Gabester, Cheese Ball, Cheeks, Love, My Boy
10. Love does begin at first sight.
9. We are not our own.
8. Having fight isn't always bad ~ can be a strength that needs direction.
7. Fighters have a super sensitive side and to handle that side with care.
6. Trust is hard but definitely worth it ~ Trust requires relinquishing instead of fighting. It truly is what makes you strong.
5. Lighten up ~ laugh, play, enjoy life.
4. Life is full of grace and charm. Remember to remain thankful.
3. Protect what you have ~ it is priceless.
2. Boys hearts are fragile. Be careful with their heart. Speak life.
And the number 1. thing he has taught me...Simply be who you are. Embrace all of what makes you ~ YOU!
As it should be.
I believe God sent me the two children I needed to learn to become the person He needed.
The person He needs is the person who needs Him.
Thankful to God for my two children.
Blessed, indeed.
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